Friday, 10 January 2014

Two months and a day...

Dear Oscar, 

As I fell into bed at 23:45 last night I realised I'd not cemented your two month milestone onto our blog! Daddy and I congratulated each other, of course, we've managed to get through these past two months unscathed. 

You've grown so much in two months both in body and spirit. You're starting to develop a little personality of your very own. We've become accustom to your cries and can translate, almost fluently, what each one means. 

You love being around people. You choose to study faces rather than the selection of weird 'n whacky Lamaze toys that I find totally fascinating. 

Much to our joy you are fond of Dudley, your stuffed rabbit. And Daddy loves telling the story about how you gave Dudley a big gummy grin when he put you to bed a few nights ago. We're fascinated that you recognized him! 

You had a bath last night, the first time that not one tear was shed. Not one. You seem to love being in the water and floating on your back (with Mama's support of course) and give little approving kicks. I can't wait until you learn how to splash and blow bubbles. 

You're what people call "an easy baby" and we know were blessed. You sleep like a dream; 3hr stretches during the day and between 4/5hrs at night. You prefer to fall asleep on your own but with company in the room (I'm typing this as you drift off for your morning nap). And I'm not entirely sure how you do it but you manage to sleep right through Daddy's snoring (you'll have to share your secret with me as to how you do that one day). 

We've decided to take you back to South Africa so that you can grow in the sunshine and play with your cousins. We're not sure if this move will be permanent. For the time being it's until November and then we'll cross that bridge and see where it takes us. The sun is pouring through the windows of our bedroom and I'm sad that in 48 days we'll be saying goodbye to the only home you've known. For me it's the place that I've stayed in the longest since I was 19 so the thought of leaving all the fond memories behind leaves a big lump in my throat. But we're a family now and it doesn't matter where we end up as long as it's together.  

You're exactly 62 days old or 1,488 hrs or 89,285 min. Roughly translated; it's been the best time of our lives. 

We love you. Always. And greatly, Mama xoxo

I'm 62 days old today - taken this morning 

Growing everyday

With Dudley watching over Oscar

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