Friday, 22 November 2013

Labour of Love...Part Two

Two weeks ago began like any normal Friday; I had a doctors appointment at 08:30, Ryan came with me because driving with a massive belly just isn't safe (it's also really uncomfortable!) and because he could. 

The previous night I woke myself after having the weirdest dream; that my waters had broken at exactly 04:30 and I couldn't quite believe it. I wasn't sure if I should wake Ryan or just get up and watch something on TV. As I lay in bed trying to figure out which reality I was in, I finally drifted off again. Needless to say I was little freaked out when I woke up on Thursday morning and recounted the dream to Ryan. 

Anyway, back to Friday; I saw the same doctor who I'd seen back in January who told be to "relax and come back in the Summer" if I wasn't pregnant yet after following her sure-fire method. 

I went back to see her about 8 weeks later. 

Pregnant. And our journey began. It was the 15th March. My Granny's birthday. 

As I rolled off the examination room table and tried to put my shoes back on I described to the doctor how, at 38wks/4 days, I felt off and out of sorts, I was sooo over this. (sign 1; I think I'd been in early labour for 3 days and didn't know it, choosing to 'suck it up' and keep moving)

"Well, you could be about 2 weeks away from delivery, which is normal and you're not due until then, make an appointment to see me at 40wks and in the meantime just take it easy." were the parting words from my doctor.  

As I made my 40wk appointment, I knew in the pit of my stomach that it didn't matter that it was going to be at 07:45 in the morning, I wasn't going to make it because I wouldn't need to. (sign 2)

After the doctors we decided to do our normal grocery shopping, it's our little routine that we usually follow on a Saturday. We were amazed at how fast we got it done and vowed that Fridays would now be grocery shopping day. We even decided to stock up on easy meals from M&S to save us from cooking once Little One had arrived. (sign 3)

By the time we got home, unpacked the groceries and had lunch, I decided that our little home needed to be cleaned from top to bottom and set about doing every single room. It kept my mind off being so damn uncomfortable! (sign 4) 

That afternoon my Dad called "I've been thinking about you" he said "all day yesterday and all day today, how are you feeling, how are things?"

I relayed the conversation we'd had with the doctor. I mentioned my dream the previous evening. Dad could clearly tell I was now 'gatvol' of this whole pregnancy bit and as I explained that I thought it was going to happen in the next couple of days, Dad shared my intuition. 

"Well that's why I've called, just to tell you I'm thinking of you. Have you spoken to your Mom?" he asked. 

Dad proceeded to tell me how my Mom wasn't in labour very long with my sister or with me. Just over 3hrs with my sister and a little longer with me. He suggested that I chat with her about this "as it could run in the family...". (sign 5) 

I never did phone my Mom. I was exhausted after cleaning the house, from top to bottom, and thought that I would have a long chat with her on Saturday about it all (little did I know!). 

I didn't know this then but that Friday night would be my last on my own. I enjoy being in my own company, catching up with myself. 

Ryan went out with Jimmy and Kurt for a couple of beers down at Berties Bar in Wimbledon and as it was raining I dropped him off. During our short trip I relayed to Ryan my Friday evening plans "I'm going to go home, pack my hospital bag, have a shower, make some Milo, paint my nails and turn in early." (sign 6) 

My parting words to Ryan were something along the lines of "you've had plenty of 'last-nights-out' so perhaps don't make this a big one". (sign 7) 

You may recall in one of my earlier posts that I'd procrastinated about packing my hospital bag for ages! I thought the minute I'd done this it would somehow send out this invisible signal to my uterus and initiate labour! How ridiculous! How daft! (sign 8)

I managed to do what I'd set out to do that evening, except turn in early; I ended up watching "My Sisters Keeper". And cried me a river for a good 30 minutes afterwards. I was a bag of emotions. I'd cried on Ryan's shoulder that very afternoon, because the fear of giving birth to our son was just overwhelming. (sign 9)

I turned in at around 23:30, it's important to add that there was no sign of my husband..............

I woke up again just before 02:00 with a snoring husband next to me (I've no idea what time he'd turned in, my guess would be between 23:30 and 01:58!)


I woke again at 04:43. As I got up I thought I'd wet the bed. 

As I hobbled to the loo, I tried to get the attention of one sleeping husband. The words "my waters have broken" got lost in the darkness even switching on the loo light didn't rouse him. 

This was it. And I was awash with an inner sense of calm. (sign 10) be continued

~ Oscar Haydn Smethurst, 6 hours old ~

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