Sunday, 6 October 2013

The week that was...

This week saw us venture off to our first antenatal class, having booked our space back in July! These are held at the same hospital that Little One will venture into at some point next month, so the territory is very familiar. We still ended up getting lost finding our way to the lecture hall and were the second last couple to arrive, much to Ryan's horror! So every Wednesday during the month of October between 18:30 - 21:00 we'll be surrounded by other wide-eyed-first-time-parents. 

Our veteran Welsh midwife started with the simple stuff (yes, that's sarcasm) and presented our doe-eyed group with a baby-doll attached to a fake umbilical cord which was also attached to a fake placenta, which she annoyingly kept referring to as "the after birth" (I prefer the word "placenta") and a skeletal pelvis, which I can only assume was to be used at some point during the evening to demonstrate that said baby-doll could actually fit through this pelvic region. She never showed us that part, so I'm still not convinced.

"I want you to look at this and then describe in a word what 'pain' is?" said our midwife. 

To my surprise it was the men who took the lead on this one, coming up with words like; burn, sting, sharp, raw, was the word tear that drew a gasp from every single woman in the room, and we completed the list from there; uncomfortable, aching, tender, etc etc. Our midwife then explained that labour was in fact just a mix of a few of these things, yes, it would be uncomfortable and at times unbearable but it was only at the very end that it could be described as the men had put it. It actually made me feel very comfortable about the whole idea of actually giving birth. But ask me how I really feel about it once I gotten through it for real! 

We also discussed the stages one goes through. When you go into labour in the UK, you're advised to stay at home until your contractions are at least 3 minutes apart and have been for many many hours, especially if your water hasn't broken. If your water has broken...different story! 

On our way home Ryan and I agree that when I do go into labour, we're going into 'lock-down-mode'. There will be a media black-out; no social media, texting, calls or emails, I'm not sure how we'll both feel about things but I do know that giving a blow-by-blow of events will be added pressure and make me very nervous. 

So to celebrate our impending parenthood we had our last 'big night out' yesterday evening. My dear friend Ann celebrated her 40th birthday and since receiving the invite to her big bash back in August, I'd been really looking forward to it...and secretly calculated how big I might be as I'd have to find something suitable to wear! Last night was great, catching up with old friends as well as Kez & Mornay and being able to spend time in the company of adults before our lives change forever. I even managed to have a chat with the lovely Susie, who'd I'd never met before and who only noticed my bump 15 minutes into our conversation! 

I'm now entering week 34...we have 6 weeks to go or there about and have been told that Little One could come anytime between 2 weeks before or 2 weeks after our due date, so roughly from the 21 October we should be ready to go. 

I can't believe how fast it's all gone. 

Mom and Dads last night out...for a little while. 

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