I honestly believe that God listens to you. When I first found out I was pregnant, in my heart I really hoped it was a boy. I don't know why, but I think deep down I'd manage a little boy easier than a little girl...first time round that is! Obviously if Little One was to be a girl we'd still keep her! And perhaps one day God will bless us again so we get to have one of each and the best of both worlds.
Now, we had a little plan last week when we found out if IT was a he or she. It was actually something I'd seen on a show called 'Pregnant in Heels' and I thought "awww sweeeeet". You get the sonographer to write down the sex of your baby in a little card and you and your better half open it when the moment is right for you. So this was our big plan! Ryan was on board! Sadly the restaurant where we had our first date was not...it had closed two years ago. So we agreed to head up to Wimbledon Common with said card a small bottle of champagne and would have a nice romantic meal afterwards.
Well you know what 'they' say about best laid plans...
We head off to our appointment last week (running late!) with the little card, a little pen and before I could paint our little romantic picture for our sonographer she's out with "yes, yes, write the sex of the baby in the card, I do that all the time..."
'Pregnant in Heels' is a popular show!
Anyway, I get up on the bed. Ryan and I hold our breath and each others hands. As soon as she starts the process...BAAM! There they are...little 'berries' that are undeniably clear. It's a boy! I stop breathing. I don't want to give the game away because Ryan has not seen said 'berries' yet (we both need help, on occasion, to actually see our baby never mind his berries).
The sonographer carries on with measuring our Little One and everything appears normal. She then turns to us and before I can shove my fist in her mouth she says "and it's a boy". Well my husband doesn't give the death stare very often but she got one. She was very apologetic "I don't know what happened, I'm so so sorry, it never just pops out like that". Really? Are you sure lady? Because you kinda seemed hell bent on being a little snide about our little card and our little pen ten minutes ago saying you did this all THE time.
We got over it pretty quickly though! How could we not. We got what we ordered.
We didn't make it up to Wimbledon Common that evening but we did go out for a lovely Thai meal and have an awesome story to share with Little One one day.
Our Little One was lying in the exact same position as I was during the scan, arm above head...that or he's flexing his little muscles already!
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