Thursday, 23 October 2014

11 Months + 14 Days

Dear Oscar

The next time I write to you, you'll be turning one!

I was asked on the weekend by a friend your Daddy was at school with how the blog was going? It caught me off guard because truth be told, I've been too busy to write for fun. Which is a real pity. I really enjoy writing for fun. 

That's lesson number one; always find time to do the things you love and if you can't find time, you make it.

So what have you been up to kiddo? 


We started Moms and Tots back in July and you really enjoyed going. Yes, past tense. Mamma has had to put classes on the back burner until January '15. Mamma should read lesson number one shouldn't she?

You go to Peter Rabbit for about 5hrs a day and you love it! I think it's because you're given special treatment and taken into the kitchen a lot for special biscuits and to play in the tuppaware cupboard. 

You and I went to Jo'burg last month to see Grandpa and Great Granny. You were a real trooper on both flights, except you decided to empty your bladder on floor of the airport while being changed 20 minutes before boarding. Even Dudley got caught in the cross fire. And you know what Mamma's track record is with almost missing airplanes!

You mastered your own art of crawling. It's a cross between crawling and kneewalking, we can call it crawknewalk. Well you can crawknewalk like a bullet through the house. While having dinner the other night you'd managed to crawknewalk right out of the lounge and almost made it to the front door!

That's the other thing; you love doors. You're even trying to say 'door' and the minute you see anything resembling a door opening, you make a bee-line for it. You're not trying to leave us are you? 

You're also trying to say 'car'. You've mastered Dada and Mama ages ago. You sat at the window this morning saying Daad...(long pause)...Daad while Daddy put your pram in the boot of the car. 

You love the car. You're in a proper car seat now and you sit in it like a king on a throne while you survey the countryside when we take long drives to try and get you to fall asleep. 

You're not sleeping through. Yet. We've started a new sleeping routine which saw your dummy (all 4 of them) magically vanish overnight. You went 'cold turkey' and haven't looked back, even when Mamma tried to tempt you (out of frustration) earlier this week. More on this later. It deserves an entire post dedicated to it!

You are still loving. You love to cuddle and you're almost able to hug. I've settled for the way you just dump your head on my chest as a sign of affection. You do it very gently. And when we say 'kiss-kiss' you know exactly what to do. Dudley and Owl are often on the receiving end of your 'kiss-kisses'. 

You have 9 teeth! Yes. Nine! It's alot for someone your age I'm told. And you have another one or two coming through at the moment. You love brushing them. Well, you don't brush them. I do but you love it nonetheless. 

You're still a hit with complete strangers. While at a garden centre on the weekend about 4 people commented on how cute you are! It's nice of them to say and you're always very smiley and cheerful in return which goes down a hit. 

You are strong. You are healthy. And you are kind. 

We love you very much. Even when you wake us up in the early hours of the morning. You're turning into a proper little boy whose got a little bit of Mamma's impatient streak. 

Anyway kiddo. I'm going to sign off now. You're tucked up in bed with a middle ear infection that we're trying to get sorted out before we take you back to the UK for a visit with your Aunty and Uncle in three short weeks. 

We love you. Always. And Greatly. 

Mamma and Daddy. 

PS 1+1 = 111

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