Tuesday, 30 April 2013

11 Weeks...

Anyone who can count will see it's been a little while since my last post. I've been in a little slump as part of me was very worried that things would not work out as they should. 

They say (have no idea who 'they' is...but anyway) that 1 in 4 pregnancies end in miscarriage. Which is very sad. I know of 3 people who've gone through this in the past 6 months. One, sadly on the day that I went to the doctor to confirm my own pregnancy.

It wasn't until someone that I'm close to at work suffered her own last week. She was just 5 weeks pregnant but no matter. Loss is loss and it's painful nonetheless.  It was a turning point for me though, I'm deeply sorry that it was as her expense, because something very deep inside said "it's going to be okay". It may have been God. It may have been this little unborn person, who is officially a fetus this week (which means 'little one') but since last week I feel much more 'attached' to the idea of parenthood. 


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